Certainly, car owners have their insured automobile. But do you really understand the insurance policy? You must have had certain intentions in mind taking into politics, but are you sure that your car will be protected against these risks? Therefore, here are the basics you should know about to help you make an intelligent decision car insurance.
Is it safe car a must?
India law says that any vehicle India road needs to have a valid insurance policy covering at least the cost of the damage it can cause the vehicle to other persons or vehicles.
In case of damage covered under the terms of the contract of insurance (and always and when there is no fraud involved), the insurer shall assume the amount instead of having to pay for your pocket. In most cases, an insurance policy covers the costs caused by damage of accident, theft, fire and natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes or cyclones.
Forget the coercion;even without it, it is advisable to have your new car asegurada.No is always the neighbor who gets injured; your car could also meet with an accident.Really worth spending certain amount in insurance of car you need to renew annually car insurance policy.
Types of car insurance
There are basically two types of auto insurance policies: third and completo.Echemos a look at them in detail.
Third party insurance
This type of insurance covers damage to your car to a third party. It is the minimum that must be by the India law, so if another person or vehicle is damaged as a result of his leadership, the third must compensate for it.For example, if you meet with an accident while driving, the insurer will pay for damages to other vehicles and people in that car. However, you or your car are not treated in accordance with this policy.
The premium is calculated on the basis of the capacity of its coche.Como engine this policy covers only the damage of third parties, the premium is relatively less when compared to a policy of full coverage.
Comprehensive insurance
The name explains it; is broad.This car insurance policy covers damage caused to you as well to the third party.To meet passenger in his car accident, medical expenses, as well as gets covered medical expenses from the other party.The insurer is also responsible for expenses caused to your car and other vehicle.
According to this policy, the insurer also pays for damage to your vehicle in case of any natural calamity, robbery, theft, terrorist activity, or any repair in transit.There are insurers that cover even cars such as the system of music and air conditioning in your car accessories.
The premium is calculated on the basis of the value insured its safe auto vehículo.El integral premium is generally greater as the wide coverage is compared to a third party policy.
What coverage do I need?
There are two things you need to keep in mind, while for the choice of car insurance:
1) What is my ability to pay the Premium?
Third party insurance is the legal minimum cover, which is necessary to take the India.En if you want to opt for something higher, think about what type of risk you can afford to protect.You may already have a car, another loan to pay loan or any other financial obligation to satisfacer.Calcular and find out if you may pay due to your automobile insurance premium.
(2) Additional scope of coverage
There is more scope of coverage that you're willing to more the kind of situation you want cubrir.Para full protection, you can want an integral to its coche.El policy premium amount differs depending on the coverage you choose por.Los coverage types generally include the following:
Personal: injury protectionPassengers in your car and you get covered in the event of an accident.There however another feature if you want coverage for its pilot.Not insured/Underinsured coverage:If struck by another vehicle that has not been secured, the insurer pays for damage caused to you and your car.Colisión:In the event of a collision with another vehicle or object, the policy covers repairs to your repair vehículo.Todos your vehicle excluding expenditure is covered amount volunteering you want to pay for your account.Automóvil: accessoriesThis additional coverage covers damage to your car accessories such as music and air conditioning system.
Grows your car, its value drops too, and so does your automobile insurance premium if you chose a global.Sin policy however, in the case of a third party car insurance premium amount remains constant in the amount decided on is based on the size of the engine that is always the same.
Deepthi Álvarez
More information on the India automobile insurance and loans of cars in the India
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