Friday, October 22, 2010

Top 10 misunderstood Things about car insurance

After spending many years in the insurance industry have come with a list of ten things most misunderstood about insurance. ? car these myths auto insurance are some of the most common questions that most people already have direct car insurance is buying or review coverage. ? their? auto insurance its better to find out now to have an and? claim that it's too late.

My 1st that my insurance rates speeding ticket just going to upload the form.

Reality: If this is your first ticket tariffs probably not even ?Most direct car insurance providers cambiarán.Los ? will give you a pass if you don't have any other entries or claims in the last 3 to 5 years depending on the company's.

New plasma TV I bought last year will not affect my car insurance

Reality: ? if you do not pay the credit that loaded in then just might ? card?, almost all insurance companies now use some kind of credit scoring when determine not only whether you qualify for insurance, but also what you pay. ? can easily be differs from 50% in rates for a person with excellent credit to someone with bad credit.

My homeowners policy cover me only made my car door in my lawnmower parked in my garage, it

Reality: ?Coverage of your home owner has nothing to do with that covers your car ? is the only way that your car will be covered if you have comprehensive coverage (Comp) for your car. ? and then, only after that you pay the deductible.

I just cracked my friends car and I tell you to not worry about my insurance will cover the

Reality: ?Will do it, but only once your friends policy pays first. ? so let's say your friend has a $500 collision deductible and has a deductable. $250 ? would give $500 for your deductible to his friend as your insurance company is primaria.En this scenario, ?Meaning your insurance will pay only after have their limits of the directive are chipper. ? just remember its deductible not imports their is going to be based on your friends.

?If you are riding your bicycle and get hit by a car that does not participate your car insurance

Reality: ? if you get injured or dead while his bike or even walking down the street you such time surprised to learn that can be covered by your policy. ? car insurance directly if the person who was driving the car does not have any insurance or not enough insurance to cover his injuries, your coverage not insured or Underinsured pay for his claim. ?

?Someone only broke into my car and stole all my personal belongings out of it, i.e. CD, cell phone, presents Christmas, pay my auto insurance.

Reality: ?Your car insurance does not cover personal belongings left in the car. ? going to have to file a claim with their owners or renters insurance policy to compensate for these items. ? than the general rule is that your car insurance will only pay for elements that are connected to the vehicle

?I I'm going to charge more for car insurance my? because my car is color red, blue, black, pink...

Reality: ?The color of your car has absolutely nothing to with your rates. ? If you like red, buy a red car, if you like black buy a car. ? black has not left this silly nonsense prevent you from buying a car. ???

?I did not have a car during the last 2 years, this does not affect rates of my.

Reality: ? have no safe car continuous is failed by more direct insurance companies car now a day's. ? some companies not penalize you for not having insurance. prior ? if you have no prior insurance sure have a good excuse as you took the bus, or you were in the army, or some other reason. ? legitimate Oh and by the way I could not pay my insurance isn't on that list

Little says a white lie in my application insurance will not affect my coverage if ever I have a claim

Reality: ?This is one of the worst things a person can do. ? If you are in secure application that there is a good chance you will not have any coverage when need you it the most. ? you think not discovered?? Remember these 2 things when the insurance company is on the hook of a ton of money. ? # 1 is going to start asking questions and the first thing to look at is your application. ? wouldn't ain't if them?? and cause # 2, companies insurance have more money than God and people working full time to find this out. things ?

?Buying cheaper more reasonable car will be less to ensure the a car. ? more expensive

Realidad:There are a lot of different factors insurance companies use to determine the speed, however, there are many times were more expensive car rate is lower that the car. ? cheaper, one of the biggest factors for collision & Comp coverage is how parts cost. ? sometimes in cheaper cars or more exotic cars of spare parts replacement may cost much to replace.

So remember that next time online searching for a safe policy more cheaper, to examine some of your options. ? hundreds of direct auto insurance companies there are outside aspect to keep in your pocket, just make sure when you arrive can penetrate you far in yours.

Bryan Waldo

Bryan Waldo has built his entire career, helping people. moved 10 years as an insurance taught agent of people and how to troubleshoot problemas.Él can be found in direct auto insurance direct car insurance

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